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News and Current Affairs


Coffee, Cake and COVID-19 (The impact of COVID on the mental health of the elderly)

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone worldwide, but none more so than the elderly. With aging comes many vulnerabilities and when a global pandemic is thrown into the equation there are significant impacts for the elderly. Panic, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorders, loneliness and more.

A shortage of GP’s across Australia and in particular the Northern Beaches, has seen Nurse practitioner Amy Bowen move into to age care. She works across four different nursing homes looking after 300 patients ensuring they get the bedside care they need and ultimately keeping them out of hospital. Amy describes the pandemic as being an integral part of the demise of many patients with mental health a key area for concern. With a large baseline of patients already with boarder line anxiety and depression, COVID-19 has thrown their worlds into turmoil. Deaths of fellow residents, staff walking around wearing masks and gloves, all adds to the fear of the unknown and highlights their own vulnerability. Add to this the constantly changing codes of restrictions both with visitation rights with family and friends as well as missing out on social and physical activities both in and out of their aged care facilities. All this in turn has a had a huge impact on them psychosocially.

John Sawtell ‘s 98 year old father Jack, is currently living this nightmare. He tells his stories of friends gone missing, and the fear, panic and confusion of the residents inside aged care. It’s not only hard on them but the families as well.

Producer: Melanie Scott

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